2005 Team In Training Journey - - - San Diego, Here I Come!!

My Story

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Hi Everyone!
I'm back again for another season with Team in Training!  Why?  Because training with the team, raising money for blood cancer research & cross that finish line were some of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  I raised over $3,200 AND ran a marathon!  How can I top that?!  I'll do it again.  Another 26.2 miles and $3,900 this time around.

In case you didn't already know, I'm 29 years old and happily married and living in Staten Island, NY.  I love to run in the early mornings and prior to joining TNT, I was running no more than 3 miles a day.  Now I have commited to running 26.2 miles ALL AT ONCE for a second time!  (Gotta make sure the first time wasn't a fluke!)
Little over a year ago, a friend of mine lost her husband to Hodgkins Disease.  He was only 26 years old.  I wanted so badly to do something, yet I felt so helpless.  That's when I stumbled onto The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's website.  I read about Team in Training and it seemed like such a great organization.  They train you to participate in an endurance event and you raise money for the organization.  I couldn't think of better motivation to run 26.2 miles.  Then I went to a TNT meeting and met some of TNT's honoree members.  They are individuals of all ages who have battled blood cancers.  They actually participate in these events with you.  Can you imagine, after fighting these deadly diseases, these amazing people commit to running marathons, or biking 100 miles to raise money???
Well, I decided that I am not helpless.  I can do something!  I did it once!  BUT that's not enough.  The cancers still exist, so I'll keep fighting.
You can do something, too!  If you are interested in donating to the cause, please email me.  Believe me, it's a worthy cause and you will feel great about doing it.  If you donated last year, thank you!  I appreciate your generousity and would be grateful if you could help out again.  If you meant too and didn't, here's your chance! 


About my training:

  • I love to run in the mornings. 
  • My group training sessions are on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings.
  • We have a head coach and 3 assistant coaches that help us through training: Ramon, Michael, Christine, and Brad.


Thank you for your continued support!